
FAQ acerca del regreso de Pulp

Pulp regresa (YEAH!) y la página oficial www.pulppeople.com amaneció con un slide de las preguntas que todos nos hacemos respecto a este tema.

Is this a collective mid-life crisis?
Is this a good thing?
Is this a bad thing?
Is this nothing?
Is this a publicity stunt?
Is this really necessary?
Is this someone's idea of a joke?
Is this an act of defiance?
Is this too much information?
Is this unlikely to change anything?
Is this so wrong it's right?
Is this messing with your head?
Is this about time too?
Is this nostalgia?
Is this too freaky?
Is this really happening?
Is this the final straw?
Is this legal?
Is this a hoax?
Is this a cause for celebration?
Is this too much to bear?
Is this crazy talk?
Is this the way to right some wrongs?
Is this likely to be painful?
Is this a miracle?
Is this inevitable?
Is this too good to be true?
Is this the best news you've heard all year?
Is this a surprise?
Is this a slap in the face?
Is this just wrong?
Is this a momentous ocassion?
Is this foolhardy?
Is this an accident waiting to happen?
Is this just what the doctor ordered?